What does NBC and state-run media in Iran have in common? No respect for rule of law.
On October 17, 2019 NBC News has published an article full of lies and false allegations against the main Iranian opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).
The NBC article is in fact an English translation of stale and debunked allegations made by the religious fascism ruling Iran.
NBC news claims in the article that Mujahedin-e Khalg (MEK) is a “Islamic-marxist” organisation and accuses MEK of murdering American citizens in 1970s. NBC News also claims that the MEK lacks popular support in Iran.
These are the very same baseless accusations once used to list MEK a terrorist organisation in order to appease ruling mullahs in Iran.
MEK however challenged the unjust designation in court of law. America’s second-highest court, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ordered then the state department to delist the MEK.
Repeating these false allegations which have all been tested and failed in court in the US and in Europe shows that NBC has no respect for rule of law. Thus, NBC is not different than state-run media in Iran in that regard.
For the past 40 years, the MEK has been fighting for democracy against the foremost state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Hundreds of thousands of its members and sympathizers have been jailed or executed.
NBC has chosen to side with the mullah’s regime. NBC has chosen to ignore the mullah’s crimes against humanity in Iran. NBC has chosen to ignore the mullah’s atrocities in the region and around the world. NBC has instead chosen to go after victims of these crimes and demonize MEK.
For the past 40 years a battle has raged between the mullah’s regime and MEK. The Mullahs rely on revolutionary guard, state-run media and some corrupt media outlet like NBC. the other side is MEK which relies on huge popular support in Iran. MEK and the Iranian resistance also enjoys support from many bipartisan American figures like Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General Michael Mukasey. These honourable people represent the conscience of humanity against the evils of the theocratic rulers of Iran and we are so grateful for their support.
People of Iran are fighting for human rights, rule of law and democracy and MEK is leading the way. They will prevail.

The unity in defend of human rights in Iran
Stockholm, Sweden